SPOTLIGHT: Brianna McCarthy
We’re putting a spotlight on our super talented Playwave Creatives. Read about their highlights as part of the Creative team and the inspiring journeys they are on.
Next up is our Playwave Creative Alum, Brianna McCarthy – be wowed by her remarkable puppetry skills!
When did you become a Playwaver and what drew you to become a Playwave Creative?
I joined Playwave in 2018 after meeting Valentina from Playwave at an event at the MCA. She described Playwave as a local Netflix for young theatre people, so I signed up straight away. That year I started writing reviews for Playwave, and it was a blast!
Your favourite memory as a Playwave Creative?
Once we held a stall at Casula Powerhouse artist markets. I really enjoyed hanging with Valentina and Zac, and giving away those silly Playwave pins with the poo emoji on them💩 😂😂
What is keeping your busy in 2023?
I’m working as an independent artist, currently finding a niche in experimental shadow puppetry for theatre and film. In fact, I’m very,very busy right now building puppets for my upcoming show Dragon Hearts which will play as part of the Sydney Fringe Festival.
Who or what inspires your creative practice?
Ooh where to begin… I’m inspired by nature, more than human stories, mythology, and the Dreaming that is constantly playing around us.
How has being a Playwaver impacted your experience of the arts in Sydney?
In my time at Playwave my practice as a writer grew immensely, and I was able to start reviewing shows professionally. I made connections that I’m super grateful for, and I saw so many awesome shows!
Your top 3 picks for the best places to experience the arts and live performance in Sydney.
I personally can be found in the West at Q Theatre, Penrith Regional Gallery, or Riverside Theatre.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I live in the Blue Mountains now! Moved just last month and I’m freezing ❤️❤️
What has been the best arts event you’ve been to this year?
ArtsLab by Shopfront Arts Co-op was awesome! I love seeing multiple pieces of work in one night and they were all inspiring and unique.
What arts events are you most looking forward to this year?
Well, it’s the only thing I think about these days… My show Dragon Hearts is an experimental shadow puppetry show about dragon mythology, female rage, and eco-feminism. Come see us at Riverside September 14 and 15 yeah!! 🐉💕🐉💕🐉💕
Check out Brianna's show Dragon Hearts at the Sydney Fringe Festival!
And follow Brianna's work on her YouTube channel and Instagram page.
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