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This month, Playwave Creative Zack Lewin checked out Declan Greene's Moth at ATYP, produced by Millstone Productions. Check out his Review.
Playwave Creative Review: MOTH
reviewed by Zack Lewin
Sebastian and Claryssa are those really annoying year nines that no one likes, the emo kid and the anime weeb that sit in the middle of the playground acting dreary. They're lovable though, their dysfunctional relationship is funny and relatable and are performed colourfully by Ruby O'kelly and Jeremi Campese making the performance welcoming. But something's not quite right, there's an off-feeling, a familiar off-feeling, they are in year nine after all.
Year nine is the darkest year of high school, it's the peak of self loathing and the peak of entitlement, the time when kids start to be exposed to harsh adult truths but are still too young to properly handle them. Moth hones in on the dark aura that surrounds year nine and amplifies it, it takes it to a whole new power and lets it dominate the minds of the characters and of the audience. The play frequently switches from lighthearted comedy to immensely dark and even macabre themes. We watch a quirky seemingly innocent character be diminished and possessed by a force that leaves us wondering if it's possessed us also. The show bends reality and morphs it with inner thoughts, distorting truth from the ideal and making the perfect blend of confusion and understanding.
Moth is a violating experience, its not exactly "enjoyable" per se but it is funny and down to earth, it's a show that transcends what we typically find entertaining and forces us to break down our comfort zone into a hundred little pieces, and just experience it. It stops being about the show, and it stops being even about the story and leaves you only with a feeling, and that feeling is why you need to see this show.
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