What We Do


Bringing the Arts to their screens

Even if our members can’t attend many performances we will ensure that the networking and communal aspects of attending culture are accessible by recreating this space for them via our platforms. Including features such as:

Online and virtual experiences

Just because many students are unable to participate in cultural activity during the week doesn’t mean they should miss out. Playwave features:

  • FOMO foyer (Virtual foyer) - An opportunity for those who cannot attend in person to meet up virtually with other young people who are attending the event. This will provide the young people who are physically at the event with purpose and a feeling of connection – particularly if they have braved the real-world foyer on their own.
  • Snapchat updates on events, experiences and activities by other members and peers including live and in real-time streaming of selected cultural activity around the city. This will include not only streams of shows but may extend to backstage activity and membership gatherings
  • Members can post information about shows they have seen, include reviews and also, we can invite guest appearances from actors and performers.

Cheap tickets

Multiple price point options for young people, ranging from FREE events to a notional $20 maximum, dependant on the offering and its original cost.

It is important that every young person can access the program regardless of financial means. As the program grows and becomes more sustainable we will be able to target specific young people based on their buying behaviour with free or greatly reduced offers to excellent cultural activity.

Multiple price points mean that we will be able to broaden the offerings made available by providing heavily discounted stock to events that would never be made available at a $5 price point.

Easy payment option

It is important that young people who want to engage in Playwave have an avenue to do so. Playwave offers a paid monthly membership young people will gain access to two free events a month, taking into consideration their geographical location.

Our mobile friendly website has been designed and developed in consultation with young people. It provides integration directly with the ticketing systems of our partner organisations to allow minimal administration as well as a custom payment gateway to minimise the barrier of credit card payment for young people.

An exclusive membership platform for teenagers

Created especially for Young People in years 9 – 12 only; Playwave is an exclusive program. By ensuring a student’s-only program through the combination of date of birth and school email address, we are excited to present a connected, online membership based community exclusive to Young People only, where ideas and connection can be shared through video upload of show reviews or other information about the products advertised, a forum where young people can arrange to meet up to attend cultural activity together.

  • Guest members such as actors, writers and curators from current cultural events will be invited to join and participate in the community for certain windows of time, in the spirit of the Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything).
  • A selection of host young people running the program. These young people will be connected through the online community and will be able to be engaged with by high school students around cultural activity. These young people will also work as curators and tastemakers, providing a starting point for other young people.
  • Bespoke events for members only to attend. These events might be to do with the work they are seeing or they may purely be linked by geography. It is important that we engage young people within our cultural precincts and venues at their level before we can expect to engage them in the activities that go on there.

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