Teen Spirit On Screen
Have you ever watched teenagers on TV and thought: “That’s not what it’s like!”?
Then this FREE workshop is your chance to be heard.
Shopfront and global TV production company Fremantle are offering a free two-day workshop for teenagers during the school holidays.
The workshop is part of the development of a new young adult TV series so there is no fee, but you need to be able to attend all of the two days. You learn about building a tv show, the writing team gets an insight into your world.
We’re looking for a diverse mix of teenagers 14 - 18yrs – you don’t have to be the next Margot Robbie or Baz Luhrmann – we’re just interested in young people who are keen to try performance and are willing to share their thoughts and ideas. You could be into sports, writing, music, games, make-up tutorials or none of the above! We want to know about your experiences. This is a unique opportunity to develop your performance and storytelling skills while you help shape a TV show that reflects teenagers’ lives on screen.
Over the two days you'll examine how to translate the real world to text and bring it to life in performance and story building. The workshops will involve learning professional warm-up exercises, character building and establishing truthful relationships on screen.
You'll also get a unique hands-on opportunity to learn about the process of building a TV show, and learn from some of Australia's leading film industry professionals: Niki Aken (whose credits include THE HUNTING, JANET KING, SQUINTERS, and UPRIGHT); Matt Whittet (whose feature film GIRL ASLEEP won The Age Critics’ Award for best film at Melbourne International Film Festival); and Hannah Carroll Chapman (THE HEIGHTS and HOME & AWAY).
When: 10:00am - 3:00pm | Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 October 2020
Where: Shopfront Arts Co-op, 88 Carlton Parade, 2218 Carlton
What to bring: Yourselves, an open mind, and a packed lunch
Cost: FREE
How to register: Login to your Playwave account and sign up to this event (for free!) or email hello@playwave.com.au to secure your spot
More information: Email hello@playwave.com.au