Truly Gone Fishing
A feral farcical play that tells the ridiculous nature of a Sydney family's desperate attempts to fit into high society. Indulge yourself and learn how to SERVE (jail time).
This event has passed.
This year, comedy has been resuscitated, via mouth to mouth. With three separate CPR incidents, expect nothing but clowning, camp and nonsense from this feral farcical play which tells the ridiculous nature of a Sydney family's desperate attempts to fit into high society. Indulge yourself and learn how to SERVE (jail time) with "Truly Gone Fishing".
When Queen Elizabeth the II's sent the creator of "Truly gone Fishing", Kirsty Saville, an offer to become a Dame for her exceptional work in the slapstick comedy industry, she had to decline for fear of stepping on the toes of the greats that have come before her (Absolutely Fabulous, Ben Elton, Kath and Kim)
Truly Gone Fishing is the silly little gateway drug to a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes
Content warning: Coarse Language, Physical Contact with Audience Members, Sexual Themes
This production has been supported by Shopfront Arts Co-Op's Open Shop residency program.