High Fidelity
You know Rob Gordon. We all know Rob Gordon.
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He’s the kind of guy who can drip with self-loathing yet somehow still feel righteously superior to everyone around him. The kind of guy who can tell you why your favourite album isn’t as good as the one they released juuust before it. The kind of guy who owns a collection of rare vinyl he calls “the motherlode” and a failing record store he calls “the last real record store on earth” — both unironically. He’s that kind of guy… And he just got dumped for all those reasons and then some…
HIGH FIDELITY is coming to Hayes Theatre Co from November 18th and plays until the landlord kicks them out and sets up a K-Mart or something.
HIGH FIDELITY is the sweetest, most under-rated musical this side of whatever the opposite of Cats is. (You’ve probably read the book by Nick Hornby? Or seen the movie with John Cusack? You know the one, Joan Cusack is in it too. They play best friends and we’re meant to pretend they aren’t brother and sister but we’re all just watching it like, “they are absolutely related and I can only suspend my disbelief so far.”)
Featuring an original score with music by Tom Kitt — before he sold-out and won the Pulitzer Prize for NEXT TO NORMAL — HIGH FIDELITY tells the story of life and vinyl while skilfully evoking the sounds and styles of the greatest artists a record store can offer: artists like Bruce Springsteen, Aretha Franklin, U2, The Beatles, Heart, Pat Benatar, Guns ’n’ Roses, Ben Folds, The Beastie Boys, Dr. Dre, and Marvin Gaye.
It’s the classic man-boy meets girl, man-boy loses girl, man-boy needs to ditch the ‘boy’ part of ‘man-boy’ before it’s too late kind of story. You know, the kind of story Alanis Morrisette writes really good songs about. Or used to anyway. And the season, like all good record pressings, is strictly limited. So grab yourself a ticket and add HIGH FIDELITY to the “motherlode” in your mind. Or don’t. Whatever…
Presented by Highway Run Productions and Neil Gooding Productions in association with Hayes Theatre Co
Find out more about Hayes Theatre Co