Dignified Exit
Bursting back on to the scene in 2024 is Shopfront’s Young Company!
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“Oh look…there’s a door!”
Join the 2024 Young Company for a twisting tale of manicured ghosts, divorced morticians and terrified travel agents as they each seek their own Dignified Exit.
Every living thing has a song, a type of music that leaves behind a gap once we’re gone. As time runs out, and our songs end, Young Company are facing it all with a smile. Building unlikely friendships, confronting death and trying very hard to not knock over the Pancreas Bucket, Dignified Exit is witty, upbeat and a little jazzy, reminding us all that our time is limited, so we should use it.
Directed by Lauren Oakes and Lily Hayman
Devised by Young Company
Find out more about Young Company. Presented by Shopfront Arts Co-op.