Online Workshops & Activity Packs
Free creative workshops with Shopfront Arts Co-op
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In term 2, Shopfront is proudly running their workshops for free and online, to help Young People navigate these difficult times.
While workshops are running at no cost to you, they offer activity packs to accompany online workshops. These packs are not mandatory and you’ll be able to source their contents (or near to) at home.
Find out more about Shopfront's workshops and enrol online now.
Workshops & Activity Packs
Drama, ages 8 – 11 online workshop, Saturdays, 10am – 11am: In Drama 8-11s we will be story making using puppets! We will be creating our own characters, setting and narrative.
Drama 8-11 activity pack: The Drama 8-11 activity pack has everything you need to make a puppet theatre and puppets without rummaging through your supplies at home!
Drama, ages 12 – 15 online workshop, Saturdays, 12pm-1pm: We will be building characters, designing costumes, creating narratives and playing in a creative sphere in order to develop your abilities in improvised character work and the theatrical practice of devising.
Drama 12-15 activity pack: The activity pack is there as a tool to help design costumes, create props or provide you with the basic resources to complement each workshop without rummaging through your supplies at home! Plus a $20 voucher to spend on your Term 3 workshop with Shopfront!
Film, ages 8 – 11 online workshop, Wednesdays, 4.30pm-5.30pm: We will be exploring ‘a day in the life of a superhero.’ In the first half of the term, workshop participants will explore the fundamental skills of character building, world building and story building. In the second half of the term, we will take the characters, ideas and storyboards we have created, and explore creative ways to showcase them on our phones, tablets and/or webcams.
Film 8-11 activity pack: Includes templates and art materials to create your very own superhero costumes and props, to be showcased in your short film. Plus a $20 voucher to spend on your Term 3 workshop with Shopfront!
Film, ages 12 – 15, Thursdays, 4.30pm-5.30pm: Explore diverse ways to create stories for the screen from home. We will look at the fundamental elements involved planning and directing our own short films, and experiment with creative ways to utilise our phones, tablets and/or webcams to bring our ideas to life.
Film 12-15 activity pack: Includes gear and tools to enhance the smartphone film-making experience from home. Mini smartphone tripod, Fisheye lens for smartphone, Iphone filming guide, and more! Plus a $20 voucher to spend on your Term 3 workshop with Shopfront!
Technical Theatre, ages 14 – 19, Saturdays, 1pm-2pm: We’ll be exploring lighting design! Starting from the beginning, we will investigate different lights, how they work and where to position them to create a desired look or feel. We will even have a go at designing a show as a group and learn the basics of drawing in CAD software such as Vectorworks.
Technical Theatre activity pack: Fun activities to further their general theatre knowledge, as well as an introducing technical terminology to their vocabulary. We will provide them with ways to physicalise lighting scenarios (beams, colours, angles) without the need to ship a theatre light to their house! We’ll include the software that is used in the industry for both sound and lighting to give them a head start on technologies used in the technical theatre world. Plus there’ll be lighting gel swatch books, chinagraph pencil for writing on lighting gels, torch, worksheets, and a $30 Playwave credit!
Film, ages 16 – 19, Saturdays, 4pm-5pm: Creating in isolation means using what few resources you have to the greatest effect. In this term’s 16-19 Workshop, we aim to make Oscar-worthy recreations of some of cinema’s most iconic scenes – using whatever the heck you have lying around. Surprise yourself with your resourcefulness, master simple editing techniques and live the Hollywood dream of acting across from a ball on a stick. Just like the greats! No activity pack for this one.
Presented by Shopfront Arts Co-op