Un(Talented) is a talent show and award ceremony, judged and dictated by the Shopfront Junior Ensemble
This event has now passed.
Taking inspiration from the X-Factor, Ninja Warrior, and Australia’s Got Talent, the Junior Ensemble aim to measure alternative talents that don’t often get the limelight on free-to-air television. They will then award these talents in a ceremony that sits somewhere between the Brownlow and the Oscars.
Be dazzled by water-chugging contests, the creation of baffling new internet trends and Shakespearian soliloquies. Contestants will include members of the audience and the ensemble. Un(Talented) is a marathon dance-eisteddfod turned on its head. For once, adults will compete and kids will judge. Those in attendance might walk away with an award not only for being the greatest audience members ever to have entered Shopfront, but maybe even for being the greatest adults of all time (as chosen by kids).
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